Read some of our recent reviews

I purchased your Nerve Dysfunction and pressure point boxset earlier this year. I just wanted to take the time to say how much I enjoy your laid back approach and often comical manner! Really enjoyable and informative material.
I certainly plan on purchasing more or your DVDs and exploring your system further in the near future as I am so impressed with your dedication and skill.
Again many thanks and all the best

Thank you for the promptness of sending the dvds I ordered. The quality is excellent and your clear relaxed teaching is enjoyable to watch. I am a 2nd dan in tang soo do and have studied aikido and jiujitsu. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Please let me know if you ever do a seminar on the west coast. Thanks again

Thank you for sharing this amazing gift.

I have been using you tube to watch your video clips and your teachings for about a year. I have a background in tae kwon do. About two years ago I was certified as a pressure point control tactics instructor for the police department in Alabama
Where I work. Your videos have greatly expanded my knowledge. I try to emulate your relaxed teaching style. I am beginning to purchase the belt rank volumes. I hope to actually train in a seminar with you one day. Thank you for your knowledge and dedication.

After watching your You tube videos, (awesome!)
Made me check out your website and I couldn’t resist calling you to say that I liked what I saw. yes I will definitely be buying a lot of your DVD’s as I’m very interested in pressure point and stick fighting, I’m a Karate student myself but I want to expand my training wider and I think I have just found what I have been looking for. I will also be looking to start taking some classes with yourself soon.

Always there to support you GM Angelo!

I recently received your DVDs on hubud flow drills, and was well impressed with the quality of instruction, each aspect slowly demonstrated, then shown with more speed.
“Worth every penny”

It was a pleasure seeing you again. I really enjoyed your seminar (as usual) and I learned a lot… and, of course, I’m looking forward to the next one. Meanwhile, I’m going to practice the pressure points with (and on my “students”)…
Best regards.

Your work is inspirational!
Thank you for sharing it with us.

thank you for sharing your knowledge.
More recommendations available on request
Foot note from GM Angelo Baldissone;
”Thank you to all the people who I have met, trained with and who have purchased the DVDs I am so grateful for your support and trust. I am always an eternal student and will continue to study and improve myself so in turn I can try my best to help all those martial artists who I come in to contact with.”